Instant Results? What To Expect With Gulabi

Date: September 2023

The beauty aisle can feel like a land of promises: Instant results! 30 second facial! Five minute transformation!

And for sure, we celebrate products that are proven to work in this way.

But something our aunties taught us is that good things can take time. And in our opinion, one of those things is at-home, gentle exfoliation.

With exfoliating at home and especially with skin that is easily irritated or experiences hyperpigmentation, patience is key. A slow-and-steady mentality allows for your skin to enjoy something gentle, and show real results without requiring extreme irritation and peeling. In giving these gentle products a try, it’s important to be mindful of skin’s timelines and cycles. After all, studies¹ show that the epidermis turns over approximately every one to two months. Giving our skin time to go through its cycle and seeing how the product assists through that cycle is something we like to encourage.

When we were formulating Gulabi, we wanted to create a mask that was gentle enough to use often, and on sensitive skin. Keeping this and the skin cycle in mind, we recommend² giving Gulabi a minimum of six weeks of use (1-2 times per week).

We won’t promise overnight results with one use. That’s not how the mask works. But what makes us so excited about Gulabi? The refreshed, radiant feeling right away AND a smoothened texture over time.

I remember my auntie grinding up a paste as I sat on the cool countertop in her kitchen. “Let your skin go through its process, don’t rush it. It will thank you.” That’s a promise we like to stick to.